the foundation: reinforcers & punishers

There are two classes of reinforcers & punishers: unconditioned and conditioned.

Unconditioned reinforcers & punishers are those that are innately reinforcing or punishing to us. As in, ones that do not require any learning. Some examples of unconditioned reinforcers include food, water, oxygen, and sex. Some unconditioned punishers are extreme temperatures, food (when you are full), eating, and pain.

Conditioned reinforcers & punishers are those that have been paired with other reinforcers or punishers in the past so in themselves have become reinforcing or punishing. These conditioned stimuli vary from person to person. While one stimulus can be a reinforcer for me, it may be punishing to another person. Conditioned reinforcers can be just as powerful as unconditioned ones. An example of a personal conditioned reinforcer is jewelry. An example of a personal conditioned punisher is cheese (blech).

Dog trainers use a lot of unconditioned (treats) and conditioned (clickers) reinforcers. Usually the conditioned reinforcer is paired with food and thus becomes a reinforcer. However, this in no way has to be a clicker – one could also use one’s voice or a hand motion.

More on clicker training coming up in our next training tips post!

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